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Dr Graham Sigley


Deputy Director

Graham was a primary headteacher in Manchester for 14 years. He was seconded to run a project looking at primary/secondary transition and he subsequently became an Education and Social Programmes Officer.

He was Director of the Thetford Education Action Zone from 1999 to 2003, since when he was the Coordinator for the Thetford Excellence Partnership to 2006. During this period, he was a trustee of the Caxton Trust (Catch Up®) until he started to work for Catch Up®. He gained his Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership and Management in 2002.

Graham leads on grant-supported research projects. These have included developing the Catch Up® Numeracy intervention and the Catch Up® Numeracy digital games, with two grants from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, and leading on two research projects funded by the Education Endowment Foundation.