The Catch Up® Progress Reporting Tool

Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy are structured one-to-one interventions, proven to double rates of progress for learners struggling with literacy or numeracy. Teachers or teaching assistants delivering the Catch Up® interventions will be collecting data at every intervention session. They will also carry out learner assessments before the intervention starts and at various points during delivery of sessions. To make it easy for teachers and teaching assistants to report on this data we have produced the Catch Up® Progress Reporting Tool, which is available to all schools using the interventions as part of your training and support package (at no extra cost).

Section 1 – About the Progress Reporting Tool

1. What is the Progress Reporting Tool?
2. How do I get access to the Progress Reporting Tool?
3. Where do I find the Progress Reporting Tool and its features?
4. Who can access the Progress Reporting Tool?

Section 2 – Data Protection and the Progress Reporting Tool

5. Is my pupil data secure?
6. Who sees my pupils’ data?

Section 3 – Using the Progress Reporting Tool

7. How do I add a pupil?
8. Can I change the information entered about a pupil?
9. How do I add assessment, test or Catch Up® session data?
-Entering Catch Up® Literacy/Numeracy assessments for learning data
-Entering Standardised Literacy/Numeracy Test data
-Catch Up® Literacy/Numeracy session data
10. Can I change the data entered for a pupil?
11. How do I run a Pupil Report?
12. How do I run a Group Report?

Section 4 – FAQs and troubleshooting the Progress Reporting Tool

13. A pupil has stopped receiving Catch Up® intervention(s). What should I do?
14. One of my Catch Up® deliverers has left the school. How do I remove their access to the Progress Reporting Tool?
15. Why is the Pupil Report I generated incomplete?
16. Why can’t I get access to the Tool?
17. Does the Progress Reporting Tool require manual data entry or can it link to existing programs?
18. Can you add retrospective data if an intervention is already in place?
19. Can you enter more than one standardised test e.g. Accelerated Reader and Salford, or in Wales, National Reading Test and Salford?

Section 1 – About the Progress Reporting Tool

1. What is the Progress Reporting Tool?

The Catch Up® Progress Reporting Tool allows you to enter assessment, test and Catch Up® session data for any of your pupils receiving a Catch Up® intervention.

The Tool allows you to report on their progress over time, to both class teachers and Senior Leaders.

The Tool also allows you to report on the progress of particular groups of pupils, such as those receiving any form of Targeted Funding (e.g. Pupil Premium).

The Tool will also help you make decisions on when a pupil should stop receiving the intervention(s).

2. How do I get access to the Progress Reporting Tool?

Progress Reporting ToolAt the start of the academic year, or once you have booked training, your Headteacher will be sent an email asking them to nominate your school's Catch Up® Coordinator. This is the person responsible for managing the interventions in your school. This person will, in turn, be asked to confirm their Headteacher’s nomination. If the Headteacher does not respond to this email, no-one will be able to access the Progress Reporting Tool.

Each term, the Catch Up® Coordinator will be asked by email to reconfirm that they are still the person managing the interventions. If they don't confirm this, they will not be able to access pupil data, and the Headteacher will again be asked to nominate a (new) Coordinator.

Each academic year, this confirmation process begins afresh, and the Headteacher will be asked to nominate the Catch Up® Coordinator. This process ensures that access to pupil data is both restricted and under regular review.

Once the nominated Catch Up® Coordinator has confirmed their role, they will see the 'Reporting' tab in the logged-in area of the Catch Up® website.

The Catch Up® Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that only approved colleagues can access the Progress Reporting Tool, in line with the School’s Data Protection policy/policies. The Catch Up® Coordinator can set trained staff (Catch Up® Deliverers) as Active or Inactive in the ‘Organisation’ tab.

Only the confirmed Catch Up® Coordinator can:
  • edit pupils’ assessment data
  • run reports on pupil and group progress
  • give access to, or remove access from, other colleagues

An Active Deliverer can only:
  • add new pupils

  • add pupils’ assessment data.

Inactive Deliverers are unable to access the ‘Reporting’ tab.

If you are having problems getting access, see question 16 for help.

3. Where do I access the Progress Reporting Tool and its features?

The Tool can be accessed within the logged-in area of the Catch Up® website, via the Reporting tab. There are four areas to the Progress Reporting Tool, behind four tabs:

  • Pupils - This tab allows you to add and edit your pupils’ data, and enter assessment, test and Catch Up® session data
  • Organisation - This tab allows the Catch Up® Coordinator to give access to (and remove access from) the Progress Reporting Tool, for colleagues delivering the intervention(s).
  • Pupil Reports - This tab allows you to run progress reports for individual pupils.
  • Group Reports - This tab allows you to run progress reports for groups of pupils.

The Catch Up® Coordinator can see all four tabs. Active Deliverers can only see the ‘Pupils’ tab. Inactive Deliverers can’t see the ‘Reporting’ tab.

Progress Reporting Tool

4. Who can access the Progress Reporting Tool?

The Tool is currently only available to organisations that have been verified as an educational establishment by the external schools database team we work with and who are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. These schools must then go through our verification process to get access.

Section 2 – Data Protection and the Progress Reporting Tool

5. Is my pupil data secure?


The Progress Reporting Tool has been produced to the industry standard of ISO 27001:2013, which is the International Standard for Information Security Management. This ensures that security controls are in place that comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and that protect information and ensure its confidentiality, integrity and availability are maintained.

A full copy of our Privacy and Data Protection Statement can be viewed here. All users of the Progress Reporting Tool must agree to these conditions before being granted access.

6. Who sees my pupils’ data?

The only colleagues able to access the Progress Reporting Tool, and enter or view a pupil’s individual data, will have:
  • been named as the Catch Up® Coordinator by the Headteacher (regardless of whether or not they have attended training), and confirmed themselves

  • completed Catch Up® Literacy or Numeracy training, have a login for the Catch Up® website and have been marked as an Active Deliverer by the Catch Up® Coordinator

Your pupils’ participation and progress data may contribute to the generation of anonymised reports, which do not identify individual pupils.

Section 3 – Using the Progress Reporting Tool

7. How do I add a pupil?

Before you can begin using the Progress Reporting Tool, you need to add the details of the pupil(s) receiving the intervention(s).

To add a new pupil, click on the ‘Add new pupil’ button on the right hand side of the Pupils screen.

Progress Reporting Tool

On the following screen, enter the details of the pupil you wish to add and click ‘Save’. You must enter the pupil’s first name and surname AND/OR the pupil’s UPN.

Progress Reporting Tool

8. Can I change the information entered about a pupil?

Only the Catch Up® Coordinator can edit a pupil’s information. The Catch Up® Coordinator at your school is nominated by the Headteacher. Please see Section 1, above.

To edit a pupil’s information, click on the ‘View pupil record’ button from the Pupils screen.

Progress Reporting Tool

You will be taken to the Pupil Record Page; click on the ‘Edit pupil information’ button.

Progress Reporting Tool

You will find yourself back at the ‘Add new pupil’ page, where you will be able to edit the previously entered information. Click ‘Save’ when you have updated the information.

9. How do I add assessment, test or Catch Up® session data?

From the Pupils page, click on the ‘View pupil record’ button for the pupil for whom you wish to add assessment or Catch Up® session data.

You will be taken to the Pupil Record Page; click on the ‘Enter pupil data’ button.

Progress Reporting Tool

You will be taken to a page where you can enter any information for any of the following:
  • Catch Up® Literacy/Numeracy assessments for learning

  • Standardised Literacy/Numeracy Tests

  • Catch Up® Literacy/Numeracy sessions

The screen shots below show the three Literacy options. When you have completed entering the data, click ‘Save’.

-Entering Catch Up® Literacy/Numeracy assessments for learning data
You will need to complete all the fields before clicking ‘Save’.

Please note that the ‘How much do you like reading/numeracy?’ score is optional as this is not included on the reading/numeracy interview in the Assessments for learning.

Progress Reporting Tool

-Entering Standardised Literacy/Numeracy Test data
You must enter at least the Standardised Score, in addition to the name of the test and the date it was administered. For a Standardised Literacy Test, the Comprehension score and Reading Age are optional. For a Standardised Numeracy Test, the Number Age is optional.

However, please be aware that the Reading Age / Number Age reports cannot be generated if this data is not entered.

Progress Reporting Tool

-Catch Up® Literacy/Numeracy session data
You are able to enter as many or as few sessions as you need to. To add more sessions, click on the ‘Add more sessions’ button.

Progress Reporting Tool

10. Can I change the data entered for a pupil?

Only the Catch Up® Coordinator can edit a pupil’s data. The Catch Up® Coordinator at your school is nominated by the Headteacher. Please see Section 1, above.

To edit a pupil’s data, click on the ‘View pupil record’ button from the Pupils screen.

From the Pupil Record page, you will be able to click on any of the buttons for each type of assessment. The screen shots below show the editing of a pupil’s Catch Up® Literacy assessments for learning data.

Click on the ‘Edit session data’ button.

Progress Reporting Tool

Previously entered data is now editable. You can also delete an entry by clicking on the small, purple X on the right-hand side.

Progress Reporting Tool

When you have completed editing the data, click ‘Save’.

11. How do I run a Pupil Report?

Only the Catch Up® Coordinator can access the Pupil reporting functionality. The Catch Up® Coordinator at your school is nominated by the Headteacher. Please see Section 1, above.

If a pupil has enough data entered, you will be able to run a report on their progress. If a pupil has no data entered, you will not be able to run a report on their progress.

To run an available report, click on ‘Literacy Report’ or ‘Numeracy Report’ from the Pupil Reports tab.

The report will generate and download as a PDF. If too little, or no, data has been entered, no report will be available.

Progress Reporting Tool

12. How do I run a Group Report?

Only the Catch Up® Coordinator can access the Group reporting functionality. The Catch Up® Coordinator at your school is nominated by the Headteacher. Please see Section 1, above.

If more than one pupil has enough data entered, you will be able to run a report on their progress. As with the individual Pupil Reports, too little data will limit the generated report.

To run a Group Report, click on the Group Reports tab. You will be able to narrow the group by selecting characteristics from the various drop-down menus.

You must select either Catch Up® Literacy or Catch Up® Numeracy from the ‘Intervention’ drop-down menu.

The fewer characteristics you select, the more detailed the Group Report will be, as it will include data from more pupils.

To run the report, click on the ‘Report’ button. A PDF will be generated.

Progress Reporting Tool

Section 4 – Troubleshooting the Progress Reporting Tool

13. A pupil has stopped receiving Catch Up® intervention(s). What should I do?

Only the Catch Up® Coordinator can edit a pupil’s information and data. The Catch Up® Coordinator at your school is nominated by the Headteacher. Please see Section 1, above.

All pupils are automatically ‘Active’ when one of the interventions is ticked on their Pupil Information page. To make a pupil ‘Inactive’, you must untick the intervention(s). To do so, you will need to follow the instructions for ‘Edit pupil information’ above.

On this page, you will be able to (un)tick the intervention(s) that the pupil is receiving.

Progress Reporting Tool

When you have finished, click ‘Save’.

Pupils who are not receiving any intervention (i.e. none of these four boxes are ticked) will appear under the ‘Inactive pupils’ tab on the Pupils page. You will still be able to see any previously entered data for these pupils, add new Standardised Test data, and include them in any reporting.

Progress Reporting Tool

14. One of my Catch Up® deliverers has left the school. How do I remove their access to the Progress Reporting Tool?

Only the Catch Up® Coordinator can give colleagues access to the Progress Reporting Tool. The Catch Up® Coordinator at your school is nominated by the Headteacher. Please see Section 1, above.

By clicking on the Organisation tab, you will be able to maintain the list of ‘Active deliverers’ at your school. Only deliverers who have completed training will be listed here. You are responsible for ensuring that this list is maintained and accurate, in line with the School’s Data Protection policy/policies.

Progress Reporting Tool

When the list is updated, click ‘Save’. Only the trained deliverers marked as ‘Active’ (with a tick) will be able to access the Progress Reporting Tool.

15. Why is the Pupil Report I generated incomplete?

If a pupil has only a little data entered, you may be able to run a report on their progress, but some of the graphs will be incomplete. For example, it is not possible to show progress over time from only one piece of data (e.g. one entry for the Assessments for learning), but you will be able to see the pupil’s Standardised Test scores on the report.

The Pupil Report works best when more data is entered, or when the pupil has finished receiving the intervention(s) and all their data has been entered.

Progress Reporting Tool

16. Why can’t I get access to the Tool?

If you can’t see the ‘Reporting’ tab in your logged in area or can’t access the ‘Pupil Reports’ or ‘Group Reports’ tabs then we may not have a verified Catch Up® Coordinator on record for your school. Due to strict data protection requirements, before we can give you access, we need your Headteacher to nominate a member of staff to be the Catch Up® Coordinator, and for that member of staff to confirm that they are the right person. We can initiate an email to your Headteacher at any time to start this process - let us know who your headteacher is and we will start the process for you. If you have any problems, call the Catch Up® office on 01842 668080 or email

17. Does the Progress Reporting Tool require manual data entry or can it link to existing programs?

Yes, it does require you to manually enter the data at this stage. Future developments may make it possible to link to other programs.

18. Can you add retrospective data if an intervention is already in place?

Yes, absolutely, you can start using the Progress Reporting Tool at any time during your delivery of the interventions, and can add past data to produce reports.

If you do add data retrospectively, the tool may generate an automatic message stating, ‘This selected date is before this pupil was added to the system’. This is simply to alert the user. If all dates and entries are correct, nothing needs to be changed. This will not affect the running of reports.

19. Can you enter more than one standardised test e.g. Accelerated Reader and Salford, or in Wales, National Reading Test and Salford?

Yes. The drop-down menu is pre-populated with the Hodder Tests (Salford and Basic Number) and the Welsh tests but other tests can be added. You can enter as many different Standardised Test providers as you like and the Progress Reporting Tool will remember previously entered test names. They are then all generated onto one bar graph in the reports.