Arrange training

If you would like to arrange Catch Up® training for a minimum of 12 people for your organisation (LA, school or other setting), please complete the training request form below.

Alternatively, if you have fewer than 12 people that you would like to have trained, you can join an existing training course.

The price for the integrated training, resource and support package is £450 per person, per intervention. Find out more about what the package includes.

Please note that each person wishing to deliver a Catch Up® intervention must first attend one of our training courses. Catch Up® is a not-for-profit charity and all Catch Up® materials are copyright, which means that they may only be used by the person to whom they were issued, and ‘cascading’ is not permitted. (Not only is this illegal, but research shows that delivery of the intervention is less effective!) Please see full terms and conditions.

Email address

Please enter your email address to allow us to load in any details from our system.
