Organisation: Wick and Marcross Church in Wales Primary School
Intervention: Catch Up® Literacy, Catch Up® Numeracy
Submitted by: Sharon Nawrocki
Wick & Marcross Church in Wales Primary school currently has 114 pupils on role.
The majority of pupils attending the school travel from the two towns to the west of the school (Llantwit Major and St Athan). A number of pupils are based at the Armed Forces Base and these pupils attend the school for varying periods of time.
Due to the nature of the families the school serves, pupil mobility rate is high. The mobility rate has fluctuated between 47% - 73% in the last 3 years. The mobility factor has a significant impact upon school life. The school has to continually take this into account when ensuring continuity and progression in the planning and delivery of teaching programmes.
An analysis of baseline data shows that children enter the school at a level below the LEA average in the majority of the areas assessed. Currently 23% of pupils are on the SEN register at school action or above.
Catch Up® is now firmly established in our school, with a designated room and resources.
The timetable for Catch Up® (two sessions per week) is compiled in conjunction with the SENCO and LSAs when pupils are identified.
Catch Up® targets are discussed with parents at the start of the intervention and an overview is given.
Parents are given the opportunity at our parent consultation evenings to discuss any further information. We also have an open door policy with parents.
At weekly staff meetings, any information gained is passed onto the school staff, SENCO and Head teacher.
Class teachers are informed of the reading, spelling ages and new targets every term. This ensures teachers are aware of pupils’ progress which is then used in class planning/grouping and information for class-based LSAs.
Pupils are identified for interventions from the Salford reading test results (all pupils from yr 2-6 are tested every September.) and from standardised testing data in May.
Teacher concerns, provision mapping and LA scatter graphs are also used to identify pupils needing support.
Progress is monitored by the Catch Up® coordinator using the Salford reading test at the beginning of every term. This aids the decision to continue with the intervention (if chronological age is reached or exceeded), or to withdraw and exit strategies are discussed. All results from testing are kept in our comprehensive files.
Each individual session gives valuable information about the learner’s needs and progress. This information is used as evidence when pupils’ IEP targets are being reviewed. Each learner has an individual sticker chart and a sticker is awarded for every session they attend. The sticker chart is then taken home at the end of every term.
LSAs watch the coordinator delivering Catch Up® sessions annually and are also observed delivering sessions. Ideas and suggestions from local Catch Up® meetings are shared with the team.
Case Study 1 - Catch Up® Literacy
Pupil A was a quiet pupil in Year 3, who lacked confidence and was afraid to sound out words in case they were wrong. She only used initial phonemes to read words and rushed through pages of the books. She often miscued/replaced words that had letters in common, eg, they, there, where, when etc. Test completed in September 2012 (chronological age of 7 years 9 months) revealed a reading age of 5 years 2 months.
Pupil A started on Catch Up® Literacy level 2 and progressed at a good pace through the levels.
Pupil A is now secure in her own ability and is much more confident. The small achievable steps have advanced her learning and made her more independent. Pupil A’s class teacher had noticed a huge change in her ability to take part in class discussions, giving her opinions and in her written work in literacy. In April 2013, her chronological age was 8 years 4 months and her reading age was 8 years 10 months. The total reading age gain whilst on the Catch Up® intervention is 3 years 8 months in 7 months.
Case Study 2 - Catch Up® Numeracy
Pupil A was a Year 5 learner (diagnosed with dyslexia) who lacked confidence with numeracy. He started to display a very negative attitude towards numeracy in class and his self-esteem had been adversely affected. A numeracy test was given and it was decided that Pupil A would be a suitable candidate who would benefit from Catch Up® Numeracy.
After a few weeks, he slowly started to change his attitude and after the first half term he started to enjoy the sessions and the practical ‘special’ resources only used in Catch Up® sessions. Pupil A received the Catch Up® intervention for 1 year 5 months. He had made 2 years 10 months gain in his numeracy age and was really engaged in sessions. His confidence had improved and the class Teacher had noticed a difference.
He is now in year 6 and is supported by an LSA in class during numeracy sessions, working in a small group. Pupil A is now willing to “Have a go”, at any new concept that is introduced.
Our school endeavours to demonstrate openness and acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness. Here, values and attitudes are formed and every individual is celebrated as unique.