Organisation: Jenner Park Primary School
Intervention: Catch Up® Literacy, Catch Up® Numeracy
Submitted by: Debbie Rowan
Jenner Park Primary School is situated to the east of the town of Barry. The school provides education for pupils between 3 and 11 years of age. Pupils are taught through the medium of English, and Welsh is taught as a second language. There are currently 240 pupils on roll, with most pupils coming from White British ethnic backgrounds.
The school serves a catchment area that is economically disadvantaged and is a designated Communities First Area. Currently, 40% of pupils are entitled to free school meals, which is higher than both local and national averages.
The school has two special provision classes, one in Key Stage 1 and one in Key Stage 2, for pupils with statements of special educational need (SEN). 28% of mainstream pupils in the school are on the SEN register.
Catch Up® Literacy was introduced in Jenner Park as part of an LA initiative nearly 12 years ago. We currently have seven fully-accredited deliverers with one more TA currently submitting for accreditation, such is the level of regard and support for the intervention. The school was invited to take part in the national trials for Catch Up® Numeracy.
Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy are stalwarts of our Provision Map. As with many schools in Wales, the interventions are viewed as basic skills tools and sit firmly within our Wave Two provision, for those pupils who, with support, should ‘catch up’.
At Key Stage 2, all LSAs are expected to deliver Catch Up®, with a recent development being the expansion of Catch Up® into the Foundation Phase for pupils in Year 2, and a team of ALN LSAs who deliver Catch Up® across the school under the direction of the SENco/ Catch Up® Co-ordinator. All deliverers are actively ‘encouraged’ to submit for accreditation, which helps to ensure quality delivery.
At the end of each term, the SENco carries out Learning and Wellbeing reviews, during which all pupils are discussed. This process includes class teachers and the deliverers of the intervention. In this way, pupils are carefully tracked and provision is adjusted promptly when necessary. Pupils are initially identified using National reading tests which screen for SEN and basic skills. These are supplemented with in-school diagnostic reading tests (YARC), which further determine level of need and provision. Class teachers and LSAs are also encouraged to identify pupils using professional judgement and knowledge of the children.
‘Catch Up pupils’ are generally those pupils who have average or above cognitive scores but who need a boost in order to attain their potential. They usually have a gap of between 6-24 months in terms of reading age/chronological age. The same system is used for Numeracy, with the Basic Number Screening Test used to track impact. However, we also offer Catch Up® to those pupils who do not necessarily fit these criteria but whom we feel would benefit, perhaps for a motivational or confidence boost.
Once pupils have been identified, parents are invited for an informal afternoon session to meet the deliverers and have an opportunity to ask questions. All pupils have two timetabled sessions per week, with the ALN team focussing on Numeracy and class-based LSAs generally delivering the Literacy intervention.
Catch Up® deliverers have regular opportunities to meet and discuss their work during assembly time and during regular Catch Up® meetings, where good practice and current practice is shared. Newly-trained deliverers are supported by more experienced deliverers with shadowing opportunities. The co-ordinator works closely alongside the deliverers, offering advice and demonstration of particular aspects of the interventions, e.g. modelling of the phase two assessments for Catch Up® Numeracy.
Progress is monitored through a ‘comprehensive tracking system’ (ESTYN) and LSAs are encouraged to contribute to the LAW review process. All pupils are involved in the target-setting process with personal learning targets identified and reviewed by the learners. These are displayed in the support room as part of an interactive display.
An impact evaluation is provided at the end of the academic year based on ratio gains and NC levels. Exit strategies are decided during the review process and may include the opportunity to read with volunteers or ‘graduating’ on to a group level of support. All pupils are carefully monitored during and post intervention to ensure progress is maintained.
Case Study 1 - Catch Up® Literacy
Child Z was assessed for Catch Up® Literacy at the beginning of year 2, after previously accessing support for phonics in year 1. He started the intervention at Catch Up® Literacy level 3 and very quickly moved through levels 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Child Z had 46 sessions of Catch Up® and states he reads a lot at home now, as he enjoys reading. He uses all the strategies he has learnt to decode more difficult and complex words.
Chronological age Accuracy age Comprehension age NC (Foundation Phase outcome)
June 2013 6 yr 6 mths 5.9 5.4 1b NC
June 2014 7 yr 6 mths 9.2 9.11 2a (4 sub levels progress)
Child Z is much more confident and enjoys reading and writing and HAS caught up with his peers!
Case Study 2 - Catch Up® Numeracy
Child X commenced Catch Up® Numeracy after her class teacher reported she was struggling with her maths in class. Child X was assessed and it was established she was having difficulties retaining information and the basics of number work.
Child X started the Catch Up® intervention at level 1 and had a number age of less than 5 years. She had 34 sessions and has made good progress through her individual learner profile. She is now working within level 8 and has been re-assessed using a standardised number test. Her current numeracy age is 7 years and 6 months, giving her a gain of +24 months over 7 months of support; she has actually exceeded her chronological age. She also progressed from Foundation phase outcome 4a to 5b (2 sublevels). This places her at around NC level 2b.
Child X offered lots of challenges, due to her difficulties retaining information, but from the progress she has achieved, we feel Catch Up® has helped her to achieve her potential.
As well as acquiring the knowledge, skills and experiences of learning the school seeks to guide pupils in the shaping of positive attitudes, values and personal relationships.