Excellence Awards

13th November 2013 - Catch Up® Excellence Awards: Drayton Community Infant School, Norfolk - BRONZE award winner (Catch Up® Literacy)

Organisation: Drayton Community Infant School
Intervention: Catch Up® Literacy
Submitted by: Gabrielle Yaxley

Drayton Infant School currently has approximately 260 children on roll. There are 9 classes, 3 Reception, 3 Year 1 and 3 Year 2.

Each of the Reception classes has a full time teaching assistant. Each Year 1 and 2 class has a teaching assistant in the mornings to support children in their literacy and numeracy. Each Key Stage 1 class also has 10 hours of support each week for group interventions (including ELS in Year 1), 1:1 work (including speech and language therapy) and booster groups.

The school employs a teaching assistant to carry out the Catch Up® Literacy intervention for 10 hours a week.

At the end of the academic year, there were approximately 40 children on the SEN register.


Catch Up® Literacy was introduced into Drayton Infant school in October 2010. It was decided to run the programme during the afternoons to make best use of the TA time and to avoid children missing parts of the literacy or numeracy lessons.

Following discussions with class teachers, analysis of pupil asset data, Catch Up® assessments and Salford reading test, 15 children were identified at the beginning of the school year as requiring extra support. Each child received two sessions each week.

The Catch Up® assessments are done midway through the programme along with the Salford reading test and review of Catch Up® targets. Children who have made exceptional progress stop the intervention and are replaced by children identified as needing the intervention.

New Catch Up® targets are set and shared with the class teachers and parents as before. Catch Up® data is shared with the senior leadership team and school governors.

Case Study 1 - Catch Up® Literacy
Child A was in Year 2. He was identified as potentially benefiting from Catch Up® Literacy as his reading and writing levels at the end of Year 1 were below average. He presented as quite a reluctant reader. He had some specific interests outside school and would often bring in information books about these subjects. Although he was not able to read the text, he did enjoy talking about the pictures and diagrams.

He took part in the intervention twice-weekly for 10 months. His class teacher noticed that during the course of the year his confidence and willingness to read was improving. Targeted words for him to learn were practised at home, along with phonic targets.

Catch Up® Literacy helped develop his phonic skills and sight vocabulary. It also helped develop his confidence and interest in reading.

Case Study 2 - Catch Up® Literacy
Child B lacked confidence and maturity at the start of Year 2. He did not enjoy attending school and, in particular, reading was a great challenge for him. Child B received Catch Up® Literacy intervention for 8 months with twice-weekly sessions.

Throughout the year, his confidence and self-esteem improved greatly and this was particularly apparent in his reading ability. He enjoyed attending sessions and thrived on this one-to-one attention. In class, he demonstrated a vast improvement to read on sight a large quantity of vocabulary. He made 4 sub levels progress and this is greater than expected, demonstrating that the intervention had a huge influence. He is able to talk about the texts, answering questions confidently.

His Mum is very pleased with the outcome of the year. His reading age increased in 8 months from 4:4 to 8:10.

Our aim is to promote a happy, caring environment where we love learning, achieve our potential and have respect for ourselves and others.