Organisation: Crookhill Community Primary School
Intervention: Catch Up® Numeracy
Submitted by: Louise Bradford
We are Crookhill Primary School in Ryton, a smaller-than-average Primary School with a high proportion of our children coming from a deprived background. We chose the Catch Up® Numeracy intervention because we see the benefit of early intervention for children in maths. Catch Up® was perfect for us due to its high level of monitoring and tracking and, even better, the fact that it went back to basics with the children, constantly reinforcing and recapping the basic building blocks in maths fluency so that the children become much more able to access the curriculum.
During the Summer term, children in year 2 who might benefit from Catch Up® Numeracy are identified by discussion with the year 2 teacher, and the Catch Up® manager. These children are then assessed using the Catch Up® materials, and – once assessments have been completed – the Catch Up® deliverers and manager sit down to select appropriate children and put together an action plan.
A similar process is followed across other year groups, as we deliver the intervention to children in years 3, 4 and 5.
The intervention then commences in September. The staff administering Catch Up® Numeracy are given two afternoons per week to carry out the intervention, as well as an extra hour per week for the completion of paperwork and planning for future sessions.
Session observations are carried out on a termly basis, in line with our performance management procedure. This is then followed up with a discussion, and targets are set.
Every term, through assessment week, the children on the intervention are discussed with the Head teacher and class teacher to monitor progress. Children are then added or removed from the intervention, as required.
The staff delivering Catch Up® Numeracy complete a monitoring record sheet on a termly basis, to ensure the intervention is still being run effectively.
Case Study 1 - Catch Up® Numeracy
Child A was a very quiet, shy child who struggled to make progress throughout school – especially in maths. During the school year, she was selected to take part in the Catch Up® Numeracy intervention. At the start of the intervention, she was very disengaged during the sessions and didn’t really want to participate. This attitude was reflected in class. After a few weeks of sessions, her confidence increased and she was much more willing to take part and contribute. As her time on the intervention came to an end, she was so much more confident – she looked forward to sessions and even asked for more; she expressed her favourite activities and asked to complete them regularly. Her active participation in class noticeably increased and she was much more able to access the curriculum.
Child A made 21 months’ progress over 8 months of Catch Up® Numeracy intervention.
At Crookhill Primary School, we have high expectations and work together to ensure all of our children achieve to the best of their abilities. We do this by providing high quality teaching and an exciting and relevant curriculum which meets every child’s individual needs. We encourage all of our children to become confident, independent, responsible and caring individuals who love learning and are proud of their achievements. Our school provides a happy, friendly and highly positive environment where everyone feels safe, valued and respected. We work in partnership with parents and the community to support children’s learning and wellbeing.