Excellence Awards

23rd February 2018 - Catch Up® Excellence Awards: Jenny Hammond Primary School, LONDON - GOLD award winner

Organisation: Jenny Hammond Primary School
Intervention: Catch Up® Literacy, Catch Up® Numeracy
Submitted by: Ruth Deer

The Jenny Hammond Primary School began as a one-form entry school in 1994. We have recently had major building work completed, and will have two forms throughout the school by 2021 (420 pupils). We have 39.6% Pupil Premium children, with many more children from needy backgrounds; on our SEN register, we currently have 11.7% children with a wide range of needs.

Our school is based in the East End of London, with pupils from a wide range of backgrounds; 33 languages are spoken. Traditionally, the area has been considered quite a poor region, however, major redevelopment of the local area has impacted makeup of the local community to include children from families with more professional backgrounds. Consequently, the range of children within any given class can be extremely diverse. We are a very creative school and our curriculum is broad to meet the needs of all our children. Our ethos is to enable children to reach their full potential, with “Engage, Inspire and Empower” at the heart of all we do.

I took on the role of Intervention Teacher in September 2015. In preparation for this, I researched the range of different interventions available; we had tried other different forms of intervention in the past, with variable rates of success. During this process, I came across publicity for the Catch Up® conference in London for March 2015 and booked to attend. At the conference, it became clear that Catch Up® would be well suited to our needs and, with the evidence presented, would support our children achieving their full potential. Following this, I was booked onto the Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy training sessions.

Initially, I was the only person delivering Catch Up® within school and so was responsible for setting up both Literacy and Numeracy resources, and beginning the assessment processes. Following the excellent results achieved, and with discussion with my Head Teacher, it was decided that the interventions should be expanded and another member of staff sent on the training for numeracy and literacy. During this phase, this TA came and had meetings with me to discuss the interventions and explore the range of resources I had prepared. She also came and observed my delivery of both numeracy and literacy sessions. It was rather fortuitous that, also at this time, the webinar for Catch Up® deliverers was planned and we both attended this. She was extremely enthusiastic and very keen to undertake the training.

Following our attendance at a Review and Refresh session, we were approached by the Catch Up® team to become a Partner School. As a result of this, we were then offered a free place for another trainee, and places were available for both TAs to attend training in March 2017. All three of us also attended the Catch Up® introductory webinar prior to the training sessions. Since then, we have also presented our findings at the South East Region meeting to promote Catch Up®, and now a further member of staff has been trained to deliver sessions.

Through pupil progress meetings, we identify children who have a particular need. I then meet with the class teacher to find out more about the child's needs and what interventions have been used or considered. The next stage is to conduct a standardised test – we use the Salford Sentence Reading Test and Basic Number Screening Test. We select children for Catch Up® support if they are 2 years behind their chronological age, and we use the interventions for children in Years 3-6.

In discussion with class teachers, timetabled sessions are arranged for the interventions. Periodic meetings are held with staff to review progress, and reports are presented to the SLT. Initial meetings are held with parents and carers, and follow-up meetings are held at points during delivery to discuss progress and ways of further supporting learners at home.

Regular meetings are held with those delivering Catch Up®, to discuss progress and any issues arising in the delivery of sessions, and progress booklets are reviewed. I am also supporting the TAs in the process of applying for the qualification.

Case Study 1 - Catch Up® Literacy
Child A started Catch Up® Literacy with a reading age of 5y 3m – over 4 years behind her chronological age of 9y 4m. She was from an EAL background and her Mum had very limited English. She was a very reserved child, hesitant in her reading; she was reluctant to read out loud and found it challenging to retain the content. Child A needed lots of prompts to answer questions on the book being read.

As the Catch Up® Literacy sessions progressed, Child A’s confidence increased dramatically and she was far more willing to answer questions. During the prepared reading part of the session, she actively asked for explanation and recap of words/phrases and letter/sounds strings.

Child A made 47 months’ progress in 14 months of Catch Up® Literacy intervention – a ratio gain of 3.4.

Case Study 2 - Catch Up® Numeracy
Child B was very reluctant to attempt Maths questions and depended heavily on support in class to start numeracy activities. She needed a lot of prompting to explain how she felt about doing Maths.

At the start of Catch Up® Numeracy, Child B had a number age of 5y 4m, which was 3 years 1 month behind her chronological age.

During her time on the intervention, Child B ‘blossomed’. She often brought in maths work she had completed at home and regularly supported her younger sister in her understanding of maths. Child B moved on to small group support and was very proud of her progress – she had made 35 months’ gain in her number age over a period of 10 months.

At The Jenny Hammond Primary School, we see education as an ongoing process and one that is very much a partnership between school and home. We feel proud to have the exciting task of joining with parents in their children’s development.

Providing a child-centred philosophy, we treat each child as an individual. Children are organised to work with Learning Partners, small groups, individually or as members of the whole class depending on the activity.