Excellence Awards

4th November 2016 - Catch Up® Excellence Awards: Jenner Park Primary, Vale of Glamorgan - GOLD award winner

Organisation: Jenner Park Primary
Intervention: Catch Up® Literacy, Catch Up® Numeracy
Submitted by: Debbie Rowan

Jenner Park Primary School is situated to the east of the town of Barry. The school provides education for pupils between 3 and 11 years of age. Pupils are taught through the medium of English, and Welsh is taught as a second language. There are currently 245 pupils on roll, with most pupils coming from White British ethnic backgrounds.

The school serves a catchment area that is economically disadvantaged and is a designated Communities First Area. Currently over 50% of pupils are entitled to free school meals, which is higher than both local and national averages.

The school has two special provision classes, one in Foundation Phase/Key Stage 1 and one in Key Stage 2, for pupils with statements of special educational need (SEN) and multiple and complex needs. 35% of mainstream pupils in the school are on the SEN register.

Catch Up® Literacy was introduced in Jenner Park as part of an LA initiative in 2002, and we have been using it ever since. We currently have seven fully-accredited deliverers, such is the level of regard and support for the intervention. The school was invited to take part in the national trials for Catch Up® Numeracy in 2007, and subsequently had seven school staff trained in the Catch Up® Numeracy intervention too!

All deliverers are fully accredited in both Catch Up® Literacy and Numeracy.

Case Study 1 - Catch Up® Numeracy

Before Catch Up® Numeracy Support
O is a quiet child. He did not appear very confident and was cautious to ‘have a go’ at Maths calculations and problems.
In addition, he is known to the Educational Psychologist, and has been diagnosed with working memory difficulties.
Prior to the intervention, O was assessed using the Basic Number Screening Test and found to be operating at below 5 years. (His CA was 7y 3m.)

After Catch Up® Numeracy Support
O received Catch Up Numeracy for approximately 8 months.
During this time, he has gained a great deal of confidence in his own ability and is far more willing to attempt new maths challenges. He is always very eager and enthusiastic during the Catch Up® sessions. O always works hard and responds well to the practical aspects of the Catch Up® sessions.

O made 21 months’ progress (Ratio Gain of 2.6), and whilst he hasn’t quite caught up – using the Basic Number Screening Test as a measure – he has caught up in terms of NC expectations, making some 4 NC sublevels progress and attaining age appropriate levels (despite significant SEN need!)

Case Study 2 - Catch Up® Literacy
Child A is a very lively Year 4 boy with ADHD. He has been in receipt of a ‘package of support’, including Catch Up® Literacy and Numeracy, to meet his needs. He struggles to work within a group or class setting, thus we’ve used both Catch Up® interventions to support at School Action level. He has made fabulous progress within both interventions, but this case study is specific to Catch Up® Literacy…….

Child A finds sitting still very difficult and needs firm boundaries within which to work. This is where the Catch Up® intervention has really suited him; the structure of the sessions – the time-bound factor, yet flexibility (in the hands of a confident and experienced deliverer) to tailor the sessions to meet the child’s needs.
Books have been carefully selected to engage Child A, sometimes too much because he does like to express his opinions!
Child A has responded well to the structure of the intervention and made good progress.

Accuracy age: 6y 8m to 8y 3m (a gain of 19m). Ratio gain: 2.1
Comprehension age: 8y 5m to 10y 5m (a gain of 24m). Ratio gain: 3.0
NC levels: 2b to 3b (+3 NC sublevels)

As well as acquiring the knowledge, skills and experiences of learning, the school seeks to guide pupils in the shaping of positive attitudes, values and personal relationships.