

Founded: 1997

No. of employees: 10
No. of (self-employed) trainers: 12
No. of trainees: 30,000
No. of children helped with the interventions: over 500,000

Office location:Thetford, Norfolk
Operates: Online – UK and internationally.
Face-to-face - primarily in England and Wales, with growing interest from Scotland and Northern Ireland

Please click below for application documents:

Catch Up® Accredited Trainer Application form
Catch Up® Accredited Trainer Role Guidance
Training Reflection proforma
Procedure for Train the Trainer

Closing date for applications 31st August 2022.

Introduction to Catch Up®

Catch Up® Mission: To address literacy and numeracy difficulties that contribute to underachievement.

We offer two structured one-to-one interventions proven to significantly improve the achievement of learners who find literacy or numeracy difficult.

Catch Up® Literacy was created by Diana Bentley, Dee Reid and Suzi Clipson-Boyles (Oxford Brookes University) in response to research (Thomas and Davies, 1997), which found that ‘18% of all 7/8 year olds have reading difficulties’. Catch Up® then received repeated requests for a similarly effective numeracy intervention, which resulted in Catch Up® Numeracy being developed during 2007, based on the extensive research of Dr Ann Dowker (University of Oxford).

Catch Up®:
  • Provides integrated training and resource packages to support the management and delivery of the Catch Up® interventions
  • Provides ongoing support, through the Catch Up® Community, for those who deliver the interventions to struggling learners
  • Undertakes research into the development and enhancement of the interventions, and into extending the support it provides to struggling learners

Most of our funding usually comes from the sales of training and support packages to schools. We have a track record of successful grant applications to help with specific developments and research projects.

The core values of Catch Up®

Catch Up® is passionate about providing effective interventions that can radically improve the life chances of pupils and young learners.

We use our wealth of expertise and academic knowledge to ensure that our interventions are as successful as possible.

We pride ourselves on the quality of service we offer, to ensure that everyone receives the best possible support.

We work as a team to support one another and for the benefit of the Catch Up® Community.

We believe in what we do. We strive to do our best because we know that what we do makes a difference.

The Catch Up® interventions

Catch Up® Literacy is a book-based reading intervention which enables struggling readers to achieve more than double the progress of typically developing readers.

Catch Up® Numeracy is an intervention which addresses 10 key components of numeracy and enables learners who struggle with numeracy to achieve more than double the progress of typically developing learners.

Both interventions are based on rigorous academic research. They involve 15-minute individual sessions delivered twice a week by teaching assistants, teachers or mentors. They are available in English and Welsh medium.

Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy are both featured in the EEF Report 'Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants - Guidance Report - March 2015'

Both interventions are recommended in the ‘
Guidance for literacy and numeracy catch-up programmes’ (Welsh Government document no: 088/2012)

Over 500,000 struggling learners have been helped with the Catch Up® interventions and over 30,000 supporting adults have been trained to deliver them.