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4th January 2016 - When should children move onto phase 2 of Catch Up® Numeracy?

Catch Up Numeracy

There is no ‘hard and fast rule’ as to when a learner should be introduced to the phase 2 subcomponents, as it is very much a school-based decision as to what is appropriate for that particular learner. Of course, the age-related expectations of the curriculum must be considered, along with the individual learner’s strengths and areas of need.

As we cover in our training, we strongly recommend that learners are only assessed with the phase 2 assessments for learning after they have achieved level 6 in almost all of the phase 1 subcomponents. They may achieve level 6 either through the results of the assessments themselves, or as progression through the levels during their individual sessions. As mentioned in the Catch Up® Numeracy file, research has shown that difficulties with the higher order mathematical skills (as assessed in phase 2) are often rooted in unidentified difficulties in the lower order skills (covered in phase 1). For this reason, it is important not to try to ‘force the pace’ of learning – it is much more effective to ‘plug the gaps’ first!

As you work with your individual learners, you may decide that it is appropriate for some of them to be assessed with the phase 2 materials once they have achieved level 6 (as stated above) but – for other learners – you may feel that it would be better to continue working purely within the phase 1 subcomponents. It is worth bearing in mind that there is no requirement for a learner to complete all of phase 1 before moving on – if appropriate for that learner, you can simply ‘mix and match’.

Remember – this individualised approach is one of the reasons for the success of Catch Up® Numeracy!

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