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12th December 2016 - An update on the Progress Reporting Tool – coming very soon!

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Last year, we were delighted when hundreds (literally!) responded to a survey about how you coordinate the Catch Up® interventions in your school. It gave us so much to think about and develop – creating the Managing Catch Up® videos, based on the 10-point Coordinator Action Plan, was one of the first things we did.

The most interesting ideas were from Coordinators who were looking for help with reporting how their pupils were progressing, both during and after the intervention. Coordinators specifically wanted useful reports they could share with class teachers, school leaders and parents, showing the impact of the interventions on their struggling learners, as well as when pupils’ progress is slowing. “We need to show it works!”

So, we have been working hard to develop a Progress Reporting Tool, which will launch shortly. This online tool will allow both trained Deliverers and Coordinators to enter data and view the progress their pupils are making. Plus, the Tool will easily generate PDF reports on individual pupils, and on groups of pupils, such as all your pupils who receive any form of targeted funding, or all of your pupils in Year 5.

Some of you will have seen us demonstrate a test version of the Tool at our seminars in Cardiff and Conwy this term. Last month, our six Partner Schools tested the Tool for us and provided some really useful feedback (which helped us make improvements) as well as some very positive reviews! We are now doing final testing around making sure the pupil data is thoroughly protected, and then we can go live.

We hope this Tool will make life easier for all of our Catch Up® schools to report on the impact of the interventions. We hope to have it available by the end of January 2017, so watch this space for the big announcement…. it’s coming very soon and we can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

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