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7th February 2014 - Overcoming disadvantage conference 2014 - speaker preview

Catch Up Blog

Supporting effective use of the Pupil Premium - Tackling disadvantage and raising attainment
Dr John Dunford, National Pupil Premium Champion

The government is spending £2.5 billion on pupil premium funding in 2014-15 and it is vital that schools take up the challenge of using this money to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and others.

Although in 10 per cent of schools PP-eligible learners achieve results above the average for all their cohort, there is a wide variety in the level of attainment between schools and local authority areas across the country.

In this session, I will cite the sources of evidence to which schools can refer in deciding on the most effective strategies to use pupil premium funding in their local circumstances. I will also discuss how schools can plan the curriculum in ways that benefit disadvantaged pupils.

View the full programme and list of speakers and book before 14th February. to save 10%.

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