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15th January 2014 - Overcoming Disadvantage Conference 2nd April 2014

Catch Up Blog

The Catch Up® ‘Overcoming disadvantage for struggling learners’ one day conference gives you the chance to hear practical and well-researched answers to the challenging issues of improving opportunities for disadvantaged pupils.

Think you’ve got a good idea that could make a difference in the classroom and would like the financial backing to try it out? Then hear what Robbie Coleman from the Education Endowment Foundation has to say about how to bid for funding to investigate effective ways to improve the educational opportunities for young people from non-privileged backgrounds.

Want to make sure that your Pupil Premium initiatives raise attainment? Then catch up on the latest advice from the Department for Education from John Dunford, who is the Pupil Premium Champion.

Are you confident that you’re ticking all the Ofsted boxes when it comes to utilizing the Pupil Premium? Jean Gross, an independent expert, will outline exactly what Ofsted are looking for regarding the use of Pupil Premium.

The Catch Up® Conference offers you the chance to listen to and challenge the people who are making the decisions about policy that will impact on you, your school and your pupils. So if your idea of a quality conference is good content, good contacts and good conversation, then what are you waiting for? Book now and take advantage of the 10% discount! See you there!

Dee Reid, Catch Up® Consultant and Approved Trainer

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