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21st May 2013 - Catch Up® Literacy in Caerphilly

Catch Up Blog

Pupil A was a pupil in Year 5 when he started Catch Up®.

At that time, he said, "I don’t really like reading and don’t read at all at home."

In 9 months he has made a total gain of 48 months.

He improved so much whilst undertaking the Catch Up® intervention that his school put him forward for the ‘most improved reader’ competition.

He became a finalist and was delighted to receive an award from Welsh rugby international Scott Quinell. His mum said she is amazed with his progress during the year and he is now showing more of an interest in reading at home.

He has now totally changed his perception to reading. He said, "I used to read very little and now I read a lot, now I’m reading lots I’m loads better!"

Keri Ellis, Caerphilly Catch Up® Team

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