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16th April 2013 - 2 weeks to go - find out how to make the best use of targeted pupil funding

Catch Up Blog

There is a range of targeted funding available to schools to support struggling learners and to close the attainment gap. How can you ensure that your school is using this money in ways that really work and get the best possible outcome for your pupils?

Attend our Overcoming disadvantage for struggling learners conference to find out how to make effective use of targeted pupil funding to enhance learning.

  • How to support struggling learners using cost-effective strategic approaches

  • Effective literacy and numeracy interventions that are inexpensive and that have long-lasting impact

  • Practical techniques to improve the effectiveness of intervention in schools

  • Update on latest national initiatives

See the list of key speakers and full conference programme.

Only 2 weeks to go - book your place now.

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